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Article: So, who is Jessica Bullock?

So, who is Jessica Bullock? - PBCo.

So, who is Jessica Bullock?

Hey! My names Jess, I’m a Pommie who has been living in Sydney for almost a year now. I moved from the busy London lifestyle to chase the sun (as the most of us Brits in Sydney do) and figured there was more to life than commuting for hours each day. I’m active and hated wasting my day sat on trains and feeling constantly exhausted from trying to fit in being active, seeing friends, commuting and spending time with loved ones. I miss my family dearly in Sydney but I love getting to know this beautiful city. For the past 7 or 8 years you could say that I have become a health and fitness freak. I quite literally live by going to the gym, being active, eating healthy food and spending time with my friends. But this definitely isn’t how I have always been… I went from being someone who hated vegetables (you wouldn’t believe it now by the amount that I eat) to realising that a big bowl of Pasta with a shop bought sauce and a mound of grated cheese for dinner every night wasn’t going to nourish my body. I love learning new things each day about how our bodies work, how I can train more effectively and I can strive to be a better version of myself. My slightly unhealthy food habits struck me at university when I realised that not everybody else ate the same as me (“Where’s the salad on your plate?” was often a question I’d get asked in the communal kitchen) or the same amounts (I have a very big appetite). From then it was really a learning curve of finding out what worked for me and my body and was sustainable on a day to day basis. I feel like I’ve tried a handful of different ways of ‘being healthy’, I’ve cut out carbs to try and lose weight, I’ve eaten broccoli, veg and sweet potato in order to ‘bulk’, I’ve exercised 7 days a week with no rest for weeks on end, but one thing that this has taught me, is that it’s all about balance. You can be healthy and active the majority of the time if you fuel your body correctly, but you also need down time too (something which I do struggle with)! I got in to The Protein Bread Co’s products about six months ago and first tried the Protein Pizza mix on a fitness retreat. I instantly fell in love with the product - who knew you could eat a delicious pizza without the high carbs content? I’ve tried all of The Protein Bread Co. products now and tend to make a batch of something each week, be it the Protein Bread or the savoury muffins. They are easy to grab on the go and take to work for lunch or snacks. I guarantee, once you try one product you’ll want to try the others as they taste genuinely nice, unlike many other products on the market that brand themselves as ‘healthy’. I would also never endorse something that I didn’t truly believe in, which I hope you’ll see when I am writing my blog posts. If you fancy seeing what I get up to, or some of the delicious The Protein Bread Co. recipes I bake, you can find me on Instagram @jessybul. My Instagram is nothing fancy – just me having a good time and bumbling along on my fitness journey. And I hope you enjoy my posts ☺.

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Our Top Low Carb Chicken Recipes - PBCo.

Our Top Low Carb Chicken Recipes

Whenever I am unsure of what to have for dinner, chicken is that one staple that pops into my head as a default. There is so much that you can do with chicken, I would even go as far as saying it i...

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How to make a low carb high protein smoothie? - PBCo.

How to make a low carb high protein smoothie?

Smoothies are great all year round; they’re quick to make as post workout fuel or can be a good snack to keep you going during the day. You can add greens and disguise them easily, you can pack a l...

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